Simple Is Not As Simple As It Seems

artbook pokemon..

Categories: simple Art | 2 Comments

the coolest picture that i love…^^ i hope u all like it too.. this art by cyhper.. with the background red color, make the nice picture.. ^^ keep creative @ theWave

Categories: simple Design | 3 Comments

this is the paper craft of roxas in kingdom hearts 2 really cool.. try to make it.. ^^ source : deviantart @ theWave

Categories: simple photO | 2 Comments

the rainy photo make we have 2 world in 1 world.. source : deviant art just click to camera be brave @ theWave

Categories: simple Art | Add a Comment

one creative art from plastic kid, what do u think about at this picture?hmm..i think that is great picture, with the colors that compatible with the other colors,and mixing of many picture one by one with creativity, make this a great art. i love it..^^ great! @ theWave

Categories: simple Art | Add a Comment

this is the step how to make this out creative art the simple art like this, is mostly lovely br arters. i hope u like it too, its so cool, n dont forget to try it.. stay kreative @ theWave

Categories: simple Art | 1 Comment

do u like ice cream? how about this new ice cream, designed to us how so sweat the ice cream of hamster.. haha… so what do you think? want to try taste it? 😛 source : deviantArt ice cream lover @ theWave

Categories: simple Design | 1 Comment

  new desing from oakley with the pure white color n sword in the behing.. and of course its so simple.. love it…^^   in white @ theWave

Categories: simple Art | Add a Comment

what can i say about this? so amazing… 🙂 full color n so fruity…^^ source : absolut vodka always colorfull @ theWave

hi…hi.. first, i’m not sell starbuck second, this not to  Ads or something like that… know i just want to share about, the art of Starbuck. i think this is a unic art, simple, and soft. there show to us how little girl like starbucks..^^ i love starbucks too.. 😛 its one art again we […]